Best Blogging Tricks That Will Save Your Time

Blogging Tips,Save Blogging Time,wordpress,blogger,Blogging Tricks,

Blogging Tricks : It can be fun blogging sometimes, but after a while it normally starts to feel like work and you start to wish you were doing something else. If you want to be one of the few minority that actually keeps it up then you are better off finding ways to "improve your productivity" or at the very least spend less time blogging than you do. If you are not able to create your blog post in just one sitting then you are in trouble because it is going to start getting very boring very fast.

A Timer To Help You Focus

This may seem like the dumbest idea since someone said we should go to war to prevent war, but a timer will actually help you focus. Set it to let out a tone every five, ten or twenty minutes. This tone will help to focus you on what you are doing. Mix up your tasks so that you can focus on just one thing for a short period of time.

For example : you could work on several posts at once and switch between them every ten minutes. You may be researching items for your post, so set your timer to beep every five minutes at which point you change your research area.

Doing this will make you very aware of the time and will make it so that you work more productively and work with a more concerted effort. Our brains also start to drift after certain amounts of time and this process is great for snapping you back to reality.

A Blog Scheduling Tool

If you do not have a good blog scheduling tool then you don’t know what you are missing. You can upload your posts and have them posted to your blog at the intervals you decide. You can make it so that your blog post comes out at the same time every week, and you can upload them weeks in advance so that you can take as much time off as you see fit.

An RSS Feed Scheduling Tool

If you have a blog scheduling tool then you may as well have an RSS feed tool. You have no idea how helpful an RSS feed is if you run a blog. It helps people get back to your website and reminds them of you even if they have not visited in a long time. Having an RSS feed scheduling tool will enable you to set it correctly every week. If you start missing RSS feed updates then people will stop using your RSS feed.

Multi-Platform Access Via One Dashboard

Sounds sexy doesn’t it. All it means it that you are able to access more than one social media network profile via one app or one piece of software (i.e. one dashboard). If you are the sort of person who likes to submit parts of his or her blog post to social media, then this sort of tool will help you to do it a lot quicker. If you have numerous blogs then a program like this may help you sign into and update a number of blogs at the same time.

A PC or Laptop And a Word Processing Program

This is common sense. A word processing program and the ability to touch type is going to make your job a lot easier and a lot more efficient.

A Suggested Reading Widget In Your Blog

This saves you time having to link to your other posts. All you need to do is add the widget and it will show people what blog posts to look at and after they have finished reading your current blog post.

The favorites bar on IE to store research links in a research file

You can create files, so why not create one called your “research file” so that you may put links to relevant research in it. This will make researching in the future a little easier and it is convenient too.

The “Site:” Function On The Google Search

Google is seemingly getting worse at showing useable results. So try using the site function to look at the pages within a website of interest. It will help you find pages that may be buried under layers of navigation within a website. It is certainly easier than clicking on the website and using their search bar, and it saves you having to look through the regular Google results only to come across the one you wanted on your website of interest on page 10 of the results.

Author Bio : Kate Funk is a freelance writer at aussiessay. She is mainly focusing on technology, gadgets and all the latest trends which are interesting for networking enthusiasts.

Best Blogging Tricks That Will Save Your Time
Item Reviewed: Best Blogging Tricks That Will Save Your Time 9 out of 10 based on 10 ratings. 9 user reviews.

Bored Of Checking For New Posts

Why don't you get them all in your mail.

Good tips, I'd like to try out your timer idea.

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