[WordPress] Plugins To Make Your Blog Readers - Friendly

Plugins For Make Your Wordpress Blog Readers Friendly

Hello Readers..!! Here are a few plugins that will help you to build a more reader and user friendly blog. It involves plugins that will help you with simple stuff such as creating photo galleries and such, and plugins that will help you to have users engage with your website.

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This is a plugin that helps to "make your WordPress blog a Phone Upgraded site". It fundamentally makes you "WordPress Journal" more reader friendly for people who are reading your blog from a mobile phone. It gives readers a different WordPress theme to match the web browser they are using, since Smartphone or tablet devices use different web browsers than desktop computers. It allows people a user-friendly data format to read your blog with.


This plugin will do things such as display your analytic data, (which is good), however it'll additionally assist you to do a few more fundamental user-friendly tasks. Things for example making photograph displays and helping you to spell check what you write.

WP Google Fonts

Good looking text and fonts are going to make your blog posts more engaging, easier to read (hopefully) and better looking. This plugin comes with lots of different fonts that you can test out on your WordPress blog. It also allows the blogger to set him or herself apart from all the other millions of WordPress users who are using the pre-programmed WordPress fonts.

Gravity Forms

This WordPress plugin will allow you to collect more data from your blog visitors. They will be able to fill out the forms that you create in order to tell you where you can make your website more reader friendly. You can post it on your web journal assuming that you wish to do more insidious tasks such as secretly (and illegally) compile a mailing list.


This is a WordPress plugin for a comment system that you may install on your WordPress blog. You may add a comment function to your site pages so that people may engage with what you are actually writing. They may get involved with both the blog post and the other people who are commenting on it.

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WordPress SEO

Your blog is hardly user friendly if it can't be discovered. This plugin will help you to make your site or blog more search engine friendly. SEO (Search Engine Optimization) is all about making your website rank higher on the search engines, and this plugin can assist you to try and do that.

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W3 Total Cache

A good and healthy website or blog is one that runs quickly andtons swiftly. Such things are classified as the cornerstones of the reader friendly blog, and this plugin has the capacity to make your blog run up to ten times faster than it would do normally. It caches the data in your blog posts so that people may visit and revisit pages without have to load and re-load them again and again.

NextGEN Gallery

This WordPress plugin will allow you to add images to your blog in the form of a gallery. It has lots of flexible features that you can use in order to make your blog gallery more interesting, fancy, attractive or effective. you will even produce slideshows and watermark your images.

Social Toolbar

Allow people to get to know the blogger by having them follow you on Twitter or see your this could all be done via the social toolbar WordPress plugin. People will be able to access your profiles and will be able to share items across the social networks too. They themselves may share items across their own social media profiles, there by consequently promoting your blog.
[WordPress] Plugins To Make Your Blog Readers - Friendly
Item Reviewed: [WordPress] Plugins To Make Your Blog Readers - Friendly 9 out of 10 based on 10 ratings. 9 user reviews.

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Great bucket of plugins to make your blog user friendly to your readers...
I usually use social plugins on my blog ...blog.revenuetimes.com to blogging ..

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