SEO: Top 10 Website Optimisation Tips

Tip 10 Website For Optimisation Tips
Seo Top 10 Website Optimisation Tips

1. Make sure to possess a unique title/meta tags on each of your pages.

2.The actual titles, meta keywords and meta descriptions should replicate the content of the page they're on.

3. Try to optimize your keywords in an exceedingly "pyramid" wherever the pages nearer to the index page area unit optimized for the foremost necessary keywords, whereas deep pages ought to be optimized for terribly specific keywords.

4. Try to cut back the scale of your pictures the maximum amount as doable.

5. Create a sitemap.

6. Create a robots.txt to avoid the search engines from creep pages you do not need to be indexed.

7.Use H1 tags for titles & Use H2 tags for subtitles.

8. Bulleted lists [ <ul> <li>...</li><li>...</li>...........</ul> ]area unit smart for SEO.

9. Try to use static links, while not variables or Session IDs on them. If your web site has been developed in an exceedingly dynamic language (php, asp, etc), and you're experiencing regulating issues, you'll in all probability ought to rent associate knowledgeable to mend your URLs and create them look "static" for "search engines".

10. DO NOT spam your text with keywords. Your text should be natural, and embrace connected terms to your main keyword on that you must not attempt to place your "keyword persistently" on your text. This can not assist you any longer.
SEO: Top 10 Website Optimisation Tips
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